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Workshop Terms and Conditions

By signing up to a Smartphone Stories workshop, participants hereby agree to the following terms and conditions unless specified otherwise in writing and agreed by both the participant and facilitators.

  1. There is no cost to participate in the provided program, or to attend the training workshops. Tea and coffee is generally provided and limited catering or kitchen facilities may provided for workshops in some locations. Where there is not access to catering, nearby options will be available for participants to purchase lunch.

  2. Places are typically offered on a first-applied basis. You will be asked to re-confirm your attendance in the week prior to the workshop date, and if we don't hear from you your place may be offered to someone on the waiting list. Places in the extension 3-day filmmaking program may be selective by application. Places are limited in all workshops, and the organisers retain the right to withdraw or refuse an offer of a place without notice.

  3. By participating (taking a place) and to meet funder objectives you commit to:

    1. attending all days/times of the workshop unless unwell, and

    2. making and submitting one short film within the workshop as an exercise, and to present at the workshop showcase

    3. A video clip or title card of project partners/funders logos will be provided must be included at the end of your film credits

  4. Working with Children. Where participants are under 18 years of age, a person with a current Working with Children check will be supervising at all times.

  5. Indemnity & Release. By participating, I agree:

    1. I hereby assume all of the risks of participating in any/all activities associated with this program, and indemnify Cinespace Inc., [the project organisers] its associates [including other Councils, contractors, funders or participants] against any liability for loss or damage to my person or property;

    2. consent is given to the project organisers to approve medical treatment which may be deemed advisable by medical professionals in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during this activity;

    3. while participating in this activity, I may be photographed or recorded, and agree to allow my voice, photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the project organisers and its associates;

    4. any expenses related to film productions are the sole responsibility of the participant and will not be reimbursed by the project organisers.

  6. Equipment use. Any loans of equipment outside of the workshop may be subject to Cinespace usual hire terms and conditions.

  7. Rights (you own your creative work). Copyright and intellectual property rights in any works created during the program, including but not limited to scripts or stage-plays, recordings, films, performances, or other creative works shall be the property of the acknowledged creator of the work, except where superseded by a production agreement that identifies another party or parties as the rights holder. Any underlying pre-existing rights used within a project must be assigned to the creator/rights holder. In the case of a film where no superseding agreement exists, the writer-director shall be deemed to be the creator, and by default the producer of the work. The project organisers or its associates or funders shall retain the right to exploit the film in whole or part, non-commercially or for publicity purposes, at any time and in perpetuity.

  8. Changes and disciplinary procedures. The project organisers retain the right to amend or cancel the program delivery or schedule at any time, including to cancel without notice. We will endeavour to give sufficient notice by phone and/or email of any changes. No drugs or alcohol are allowed at program events at any time. Harassment is any improper behaviour by a person that is directed at, and is offensive to, any other individual and is not tolerated. The organisers or their assignees retain the right to suspend or expel any participants for conduct deemed inappropriate, on written notice and without reason. In such cases, or in the case of any grievances, the parties agree to a mediation process. Any grievances with the program may in the first instance be addressed to the designated workshop contact officer, who will be introduced at the start of the workshop.

  9. Privacy. Personal information collected is protected by The Privacy Act 1988, and kept confidential by the project partners. Statistical data or responses collected may be provided to funding partners for reporting purposes, but will be anonymous. Unless you advise otherwise, you are deemed to consent to sharing personal contact details including email and phone number with other class participants and trainer/s, and also consent to project partners communication with you directly. A What's App group will be set up using your mobile number provided as a means of communication outside of workshop times. If you do not wish to use your own mobile number we recommend buying a temporary sim card for the project (with a temporary number) so you can participate in this group chat. Unless you advise otherwise, you consent to photos or videos taken during the workshop may be used by the organisers or funders.

  10. Safety. Please take responsibility for the safety of yourself and others at all times. Do not engage in any unsafe filming activity at any time. Ensure you travel home safe if commuting at night. If you feel threatened or harassed on public transport please alert authorities or call your program co-ordinator for assistance. During the current Covid-19 pandemic please ensure you are adhering to all current government Covid-19 recommendations and social distancing measures in place, do not attend if you are sick or have been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 or exhibiting flu-like symptoms, and always practice good sanitary practices and hand hygiene. Please ensure you meet current State minimum vaccinations requirements prior to attending.

  11. Special needs. Please advise us in advance if you have any other special needs.


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